Il Molinaccio

Address: Via Antica Chiusina 12
Phone:+39 0578.758660
Cell.:+39 333.2300170
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The watermill “Il Molinaccio”, near the renaissance town of Montepulciano, was already present in the old maps of the Granduchy of Tuscany . The original building, duly and let me say passionately restored, now reopens as a luxury country house where the guests may spend their time, in absolute quietness, surrounded by a colorful garden, bordered by century old oaks, our fruit grove and the vineyard.
In front of the villa, positioned among the walls of the old trench where the water was collected and, via a channel, sent to the watermill, there is the new infinity swimming pool.
It is not a normal pool chlorine, but a swimming pool cleaned with salt, that of Volterra Salt mines , the same used by the Etruscans . This disinfection system is a lot more healthy, no chemicals added. Among the advantages : less red eyes , the tan is better maintained and of course it is easier to swim. The water taste slightly and pleasantly salty.
The small forest is crossed by the river Salcheto, along which we have realized a walking footpath with natural bridges, good for plenty of exercise or relax, on the wooden handmade benches, enjoying the natural landscape. 3D targets, representing local animals, have been positioned along the river, upgrading it to a fully fledged Field Archery Range, where professional and amateurs may try their capabilities or learn this ancient sport with the help of a skilled trainer.
Il Molinaccio is by and far its 3.6 ha vineyard, whose grapes are used for our Rosso di Montepulciano DOC , named Il Golo, La Spinosa, our Vino Nobile di Montepulciano DOCG and La Poiana, Vino Nobile di Montepulciano Riserva DOCG.
Our marc is distilled into Grappa di Vino Nobile ( by the prestigious Nannoni distilleries) and we produce Il Finocchiaccio, alcoholic infusion of wild fennel harvested at our estate ( by Capalbio Liquori).
In order to fulfill our green spirit we have decided to start the certified transition to organic farming, which will be completed in the next years, we purify the water of our well, making us auto sufficient, and we have installed a photovoltaic plant that covers all our energy needs and let us offer free recharge for their electric vehicle to our guests.
Dinner is on request but have a try. Edy and Alessandro will surprise you with good local dishes full of the produces of our orchard. Our fruit is transformed in jam, good for breakfast or as filling in our pies.
On request we may organize Truffle search & find walks
Last but not least have a look to the fine posters, printed between WWI and II, placed on the walls of the spacious dining room.